Microfluidic Chip Development Service for Cytotoxicity Analysis


Creative Biolabs has long-term devoted to the development and application of microfluidic chips for different purposes. With our well-established microfluidic chips platform, the experienced scientists here at Creative Biolabs are dedicated to helping you with 3D cell cytotoxicity analysis.

Introduction of Microfluidic-based Cytotoxicity Analysis

Cell-based assays have been widely used in the various stages of drug discovery, while microfluidic systems have become a powerful tool to achieve both high throughput and reliability. In industrial assay processes, the interface between the micro-world and macro-world is important. Now Creative Biolabs provides microfluidic chip development services for cell-based biosensing and drug screening.

Microfluidic Chips for Mammalian Cell Cytotoxicity Screening

The high-throughput cell-based screening presents great potential to expedite target validation as well as for use in pre-clinical trials. To avoid the expensive and labor-intensive problems of the existing technologies, here we describe the development of a PDMS microfluidic array device containing micro cell sieves for cell cytotoxicity screening. The microfluidic channels in this system for cell seeding are orthogonal to channels for toxin exposure, and there is a circular chamber with cell-trapping sieves within each channel intersection. Using different cell types and toxins, the on-chip cell morphology and viability can be evaluated easily. The results showed that cytotoxicity responses in the microfluidic array varied according to toxin type and concentration. According to this system, cell seeding and toxin exposure can be performed in a single microfluidic device with a multiplexed formats, which enabling high-density parallel cytotoxicity screening and minimizing reagent consumption.

Fig. 1 Cytotoxicity detection by microfluidic.Fig. 1 Microfluidic cytotoxicity detection.1,2

Cytotoxicity Assay for Cancer Immunotherapy

In recent decades, cytotoxic lymphocytes (CLs) have been served as a promising approach for cancer treatment. However, the effector functions of CLs are largely limited by the complex tumor microenvironment (TME). The microfluidic-based platforms mimic the complex 3D human issues microenvironments in vitro for the assessment of lymphocyte cytotoxicity. Here we introduce an injection-molded plastic array culture (CACI-IMPACT) platform for 3D cytotoxicity assay, by which we can monitor both migration and cytotoxic activity of CLs in a 3D microenvironment. Compared with traditional 2D assays, the 3D systems reduce cytotoxicity of CLs by impeding migration and access to tumor cells.

Fig. 2 Microfluidic devices for cytotoxicity assays and its working process.Fig. 2 Microfluidic devices for cytotoxicity assays.1,2

With years of experience, our scientists have developed various microfluidic chips with the highest quality standards for different purposes. We can offer custom solutions in case our standard chips do not meet your requirements. If you are interested in our services, please do not hesitate to contact us for more detailed information.


  1. Park, Son, et al. " High-Throughput Microfluidic 3D Cytotoxicity Assay for Cancer Immunotherapy (CACI-IMPACT Platform)." Frontiers in Immunology 10 (2019): 1133.
  2. under Open Access license CC BY 4.0, without modification.

For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.

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