Single-cell Molecular Cloning and Screening Platform


The basic technologies of microfluidics for the study of single cells have been well developed in the last decades. Under cell handling methods, microfluidics has been extensively applied in the field of PCR, immunoassays, organ-on-a-chip, stem cell research, and identification of tumor cells. As a key step in molecular discovery, high-throughput screening performs rapid and efficient analysis of hundreds of biological, chemical, genetic, and pharmacological assays in parallel. With abundant expertise and experience in microfluidic platforms, Creative Biolabs provides microfluidic integrated solutions for simple, fast, and robust single-cell molecular cloning and screening for worldwide customers. In particular, our microfluidic integrated solutions are establishing several screening methods including perfusion flow mode, droplet mode, and microarray mode, to enable molecular identification and analysis at unprecedented efficiency and sensitivity.

Capture and Enrichment of Single Cells

Correlation of genetic information with its single cell of origin requires an approach to isolate single cells from a tissue. Recently, approaches have been used for the selection and transfer of single cells into wells including laser capture microdissection, optical tweezer manipulation, flow cytometry (FCM), and microfluidic methods. These approaches show differences in their cost, facility requirements, tissue compatibility, throughput, and degree of user skill. Laser capture microdissection allows certainty of cell isolation, but at very low throughput. FCM is attractive due to its high throughput and multiparameter sorting, but depositing cells into microliter volume wells leads to dilution of analytes and doesn’t easily confirm that cells are successfully deposited into the analysis volume. Remarkably, enrichment and compartmentalization within a microfluidic chip or system can be designed for high throughput while minimizing dilution and contamination risk.

Fig. 1 Microfluidic chip for single cell capture. (Deng, et al., 2019) Fig. 1 Microfluidic chip for single cell capture.1

Microfluidic Integrated Solutions for Single-cell Molecular Cloning & Screening

Tackling heterogeneous cells at single-cell resolution is increasingly significant in different branches of biological and biomedical subjects. Numerous useful techniques have been implemented to profile and selectively purify single-cells, but the demand for techniques with better analytical capabilities and enhanced high-throughput performance, is still very high. To obtain sufficient data from tissue samples, single-cell molecular cloning techniques need high sample throughput and yield high recoveries of target cells.

At Creative Biolabs, our microfluidic equipment is used upstream of cell trapping, isolation, manipulation, and genetic analysis methods, these techniques permit high purity retrieval of viable cells with the specific marker. Nowadays, our scientists take advantage of various strategies and custom services to indiscriminately screen single cells from a cell suspension in microfluidic networks. Here are our single cell-based molecular cloning and high-throughput screening platforms on microfluidic chips.

Fig. 2 Microfluidic chip for single cell profile screening. (Ai, et al., 2020)Fig. 2 Microfluidic chip for single cell profile screening.2


Single-cell technology has a great influence on the field of biology. Impressive progress has been made in the past years, strongly facilitated by microfluidic approaches. As a famous partner with high reputations in microfluidic projects, Creative Biolabs has summarized the application of microfluidics in single cell-based molecular cloning and high-throughput screening technologies. If you’ like to know more about our one-stop microfluidic solutions, please directly contact us or send us an e-mail with specific requests.


  1. Deng, Wang, et al. " Microfluidic Cell Trapping for Single-Cell Analysis " Micromachines 10.6 (2019): 409.
  2. Ai, Wu, et al. " A Precise Microfluidic Assay in Single-Cell Profile for Screening of Transient Receptor Potential Channel Modulators " Adv Sci 19.7 (2020): 11.

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