Microfluidic Portable Forensic Devices


Creative Biolabs provides our clients with one-stop microfluidic solutions for portable forensic devices, our advanced lab-on-chip technology and microfluidic manipulation theory will minimize the analysis time, reagents and analytes, providing new possibilities for the development of portable crime scene detection devices.

Microfluidic Forensic Devices

Initial screening of criminal evidence often includes testing of unknown components and fluid found at the scene to determine the origin of tissue and the context of the scene. Components of bodily fluids collected from the scene can be identified by forensic laboratories to inform downstream genetic analysis or directly support criminal investigations. However, the identification of body fluids at crime scenes is often complicated, and effective analytical components that are difficult to locate are often collected in the form of contamination or extremely small amounts. Traditional identification techniques rely on time-consuming microscopic analysis and molecular biological detection including enzymatic reactions and immunological assays. The cumbersome workflow and huge sample volume make the forensic laboratory work extremely heavy, unable to provide effective information support during the prime time of the investigation.

Microfluidic devices offer various advantages for forensic analysis and crime scene investigation. The miniaturized channel size requires only a very small amount of sample input, the portable and automated independent experimental chip allows investigators to directly analyze the scene without too much professional training. The closed channel structure fundamentally avoids the possibility of sample cross-contamination, improves the chain of custody and increases the reproducibility of results. The internal solvent of the microfluidic system is in the microliter range, allowing rapid heating and mixing of liquids inside the channel, which greatly improves the response speed and diagnostic time.

Schematic of PCR detection chip from sample extraction to complex functions.Fig 1. Schematic of PCR detection chip from sample extraction to complex functions. (Obino, et al., 2021)

Microfluidic Device for Spot Tests

Quick, simple and relatively sensitive spot tests are often used to detect illicit drugs in airports or on the streets. Spot tests are not specific assays that broadly identify a class of compounds. A microfluidic chip integrated with a spectrometer determines the exact absorption wavelength of a chemical substance, providing investigators with more analytical information in a relatively safe situation. Spectral information of suspect components can be compared directly to databases for quick readouts instead of waiting hours for the analysis process in a forensic laboratory.

Cyclic olefin copolymer chips for color test.Fig 2. Cyclic olefin copolymer chips for color test. (Bruijns, et al., 2019)

Microfluidic Device for DNA Amplification

The improvement of integrated functional units and the optimization of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology provide new applications for microfluidic chips. Through complete functional and structural design, microfluidic chips directly recover samples from on-site stains, realize cell lysis, DNA extraction and purification, DNA amplification and downstream tests and analysis. The development of on-chip isothermal amplification technology allows microfluidic systems to work on-site with only a small amount of device support. In addition, microfluidic systems for microbial community analysis, epigenetics, and transcriptomics analysis have also been developed and extensively validated.

The cutting-edge micro-manufacturing technology platform and advanced technical concepts give Creative Biolabs the confidence to provide our clients with the most comprehensive and stable forensic microfluidic system development and manufacturing services. With our help, you can miniaturize and integrate various detection procedures in a precise, portable chip structure. Whether you wish to equip a simple device for biomolecular investigations, or develop a practical and efficient on-site detection platform including pre- and post-processing processes, we will select the appropriate microarray design and fabrication strategy for you. We will be your irreplaceable choice for microfluidic chip development, so don't hesitate to contact us with any demands.


  1. Obino, D.; et al. An overview on microfluidic systems for nucleic acids extraction from human raw samples. Sensors. 2021, 21, 3058.
  2. Bruijns, B.; et al. Cyclic olefin copolymer microfluidic devices for forensic applications. Biosensors. 2019, 9, 85.

For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.

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