Flow Continuous Reaction Chip Development Service


Flow chemistry has been increasingly adopted in the chemical industry, pharmaceuticals, and precision machining industry. Creative Biolabs combines engineering and chemical knowledge to help our clients design and develop continuous-flow chemical chips to achieve higher safety, and production flexibility with higher product quality.

Flow Continuous Reaction

Flow chemistry refers to the pumping of reactants, reagents, and solvents into a microreactor at a specific flow rate to mix and dwell for a reaction time, then the reaction flow will be directed into a subsequent loop and the final product will be collected at the outlet. Due to the inherent design of the continuous flow chemistry chip, reaction conditions that cannot be achieved in traditional experiments become possible, and various key reaction parameters can be precisely controlled to achieve higher product quality and faster reaction cycles. Ongoing reactions allow rapid manipulation of unstable intermediates, and the advantages of automation and customization allow users to access more reaction variables and perform post-processing.

Creative Biolabs is confident that with the help of our flow chemistry chip technology platform, you can easily configure equipment that meets your experimental needs, realize the precise control of experimental variables, and perform product output and subsequent analysis under a wider range of conditions.

From Batch Reactions to Flow Chemistry

Explorations have greatly increased the number and types of reactions that can be performed using flow chemistry, especially those chemicals that are potentially hazardous or cannot be handled by batch reactions. The safety and operability of the continuous flow chemistry chip make it incomparable in such experiments.

Azide Pyrolysis Reaction

Azides are a class of very valuable synthetic intermediates. Such compounds often have high reactivity, which makes it difficult to obtain or store in batch processing, the large amount of nitrogen and heat released during the synthesis greatly increases the danger of the experiment. A continuous flow reactor has good thermodynamic parameters, allowing the direct operation of intermediate products in the experiment, and efficiently and safely fabricating different indole or other pharmaceutical intermediates from raw materials such as azido acrylate.

Grignard Reaction and Grignard-Like Reaction

Grignard reagents are classic active organometallic reagents that require a strict anhydrous and oxygen-free environment during preparation, storage and use. The sealing system of the continuous flow chemical chip can perfectly meet this stringent requirement and effectively shorten the time required for the reaction.

Coupling Reactions and Amination Reactions

Coupling reactions and amination reactions form important carbon-carbon bonds or carbon-nitrogen bonds in drug molecules and organic molecules, and flow chemistry equipment can achieve high conversion rates and product recovery rates in extremely short reaction time limits.

Cyclization Reaction

Many biologically active pharmaceutical compounds contain heterocycles as major structures. At present, many studies have successfully used continuous-flow microreactors to complete the synthesis of pericyclic compounds, including pyrroles, thiazoles, lactams, pyridones and pyrazoles.

Fig. 1 Picture of flow continuous chip.Fig. 1 Flow continuous chip.1,2


The covalent attachment of polyethylene glycol to proteins provides additional chemical modifications and therapeutic properties to therapeutic proteins. The selectivity and conversion degree of protein PEGylation is highly sensitive to process variables and parameters. Continuous flow microreactors can achieve a series of parameters including protein: PEG molar ratio, temperature, pressure, salt concentration, and pH value. Precise regulation may achieve the stable and controllable synthesis of therapeutic molecules.

Multi-Step Synthesis

Fig. 2 Schematic of continuous-flow synthesis.Fig. 2 Continuous-flow synthesis.1,2

One of the most successful applications of continuous flow reactors is the multi-step synthesis of chemical processes. The use of continuous flow reactors for the multi-step synthesis of compounds can effectively reduce the use of organic reagents, greatly reduce the time of the reaction process, and allows for the isolation and manipulation of key intermediates.

Other Reactions

Flow chemistry is unmatched by conventional tests in terms of safety and modularity, so it has been obtained in chemical reactions such as photocatalysis, electrocatalysis, biocatalysis, halogenation, nitration, redox and condensation reactions.

Our Services

Flow chemistry can safely handle the dangerous situations that may be generated by reactants, and realize more precise and comprehensive adjustments of reaction variables, so as to achieve results that cannot be easily achieved by traditional batch chemistry. The combination of the micro-processing technology platform and chemical knowledge allows Creative Biolabs' products and solutions to take full advantage of the advantages of flow chemical processes. We will help our clients design, develop and manufacture continuous-flow chemical reactors that meet your experimental needs, allowing you to reduce costs, save time and safely obtain high-quality, high-purity chemical products, so don't hesitate to contact us for more information.


  1. Kimura, Tomatsu, et al. " Continuous-Flow Synthesis of N-Succinimidyl 4-[18F]fluorobenzoate Using a Single Microfluidic Chip." PLOS ONE 1371 (2016): 159303.
  2. under Open Access license CC BY 4.0, without modification.

For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.

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